Host, Run & Play OpenArena

Host, Run & Play OpenArena


OpenArena is a multiplayer First Person Shooter game (This could be considered the Free Software Alternative for the famous Counter Strike).

This game is designed cross platform, so it doesn’t matter what operating system you use and you can play it on all operating systems.

This post is intended to help you Setup, host the game in your computer so that you can invite your friends to play from their computer via Internet. We will be using Debian GNU/Linux operating system in this tutorial. You can use any GNU/Linux Distribution to host / play the game.

Step 1: Download the Binary

You can download the binary files (i.e executable files) from here

Step 2: Unzip / Extract the files

Step 3: Navigating to the Extracted folder via Terminal

Open the Terminal. Navigate to the folder, using ‘cd’ command like shown below

cd Downloads/Application/openarena-x.x.x

Note: I have unzipped or extracted the zip file into Downloads/Application folder, so you have to find out the path where you have your openarena folder. (x.x.x is the version number in the name of the folder).

Step 4: Starting the Game

You have to identify what is the architecture of your Operating System. 32 / 64 bit. You can find it from the terminal itself. Try executing the below command,

uname -a

Check the output of the above command. It should be something like this

Linux crunchbang 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt2-1 (2014-12-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux

The output may vary according to your operating system. But the important part is, if you see x86_64 then it means 64 bit, else if you see something like i386 or similar to that, it is 32 bit architecture.

The reason we need to find that was, the openarena binary that we downloaded contains executable files for both 32 and 64 bit architecture for Gnu/Linux, Windows & Mac OSX Operating systems. We need to find and execute or run the binary file that matches ours.

If it is 64 bit, execute the following to start the game (Note the .(dot) and slash(/)


If it is 32 bit,


This will start the game, this way you are starting and can play the game in Single player mode or if you have Internet connection, you can join other people online with Multiplayer option. But you cannot invite others to play, because you aren’t hosting the game from your game or you can tell the name of the Arena (server) that you have joined in Multiplayer mode and tell your friend also to find and join the same arena, So you people can play together.

Step 5: Server Configuration

So now, you have decided to host the game server, i.e instead of joining already available public arena from Multi-player option, you wanted to create a new server and invite others to join that.

We need a configuration file to tell OpenArena that we are going to start this game as a server & give some name to the server so that people can find it easily through Internet. Download the sample Server.cfg file.

Download and move the server.cfg file to ‘baseoa‘ folder inside Openarena-x.x.x

Now open the server.cfg in any text editor of your choice.

You can give a new name for your Server, find sets sv_hostname “My_Arena” and change My_Arena to the name that you want to have for your server. Same way you can read the file and know what each line means and configure accordingly.

After you have made changes to the configuration file, save the file and close it.

Step 6: Port Forwarding

This is an important step. Each network based application in an operating system runs in a specific port, so that any request to that application through Internet can be forwarded to that port number. Think port as a gate to enter into that application. So, Port forwarding has to be configured in your modem or router. Let’s see how to do that.

Open Firefox -> (or) ->

It will prompt for username and password. Mostly it should be “admin” & “password”. If you have changed, then you know what to enter. If not, check the manual that came with your router or modem for username and password. I use D-Link Router, So the example will be based on that.

We need the local ip address of your computer, go to network connections and find your ip address.

Search and find for “Port Forwarding” option in your router’s advanced settings (In Some router, it will be named as Virtual Servers). We are going to add a new entry for openarena here. OpenArena runs in port number 27960 by default. See the below image for reference

setupSave this configuration, No need to restart router for this to take effect.

Step 7: Starting the Server

Our router or modem is now listening for outside connections and will forward the requests to port 27960 where we are going to run our OpenArena Server.

In Terminal, again navigate to the OpenArena extracted folder and execute the following

Note: Depending on 32 or 64 bit, choose the 0a_ded file.

./oa_ded.x86_64 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg

This should start the server. Others can join this server and play.

Step 8: Invite friends and play

Visit and search for Your Server name. If  the above steps are properly carried out, then you should find the name of your server along with IP address and port number that it is serving and listening to.

Share the IP and Port number to your friends enjoy Shooting 😉

Starting the server doesn’t mean you will also join the game to play. You should start the OpenArena client in a separate tab of terminal to join the game too.

./openarena.x86_64 and then selecting multi-player will put you inside the game with others.

Note: If you stop the server or if you computer gets switched off in the middle, then the game will end for everyone and eventually everyone will get disconnected.

List of Distro’s available with us

Though one can download any Gnu/Linux distro from Internet legally and for free, we also have downloaded and have certain distros with us for convenience of those who do not have faster Internet connection or do not have Internet connection at all. Please take a look at below list of distro’s we have.

  1. Ubuntu – 12.04 (32 & 64 bit), 12.10 (32 bit)
  2. LinuxMint – 11, 14, 15 – all 32 bit
  3. Fedora –  18 – 64 bit
  4. Tails – 0.18 – 32 bit
  5. Crunchbang – 11 – 32 bit

We can also download distros for you on your request.

How can you get from us?

Join our mailing list and drop an e-mail to ” ” (You cannot send email without joining the mailing list). Subject of the email should be ” Distro Request “ and mention the name of the distro from the above list or the distro you require (Do not mention any of your contact details like Mobile number, email ID, address, etc., because the email you send will reach 100 of them in the list). Based on availability we shall meet and you can bring your USB drive to copy the ISO files from us.

Visit this page – If you are in and around Pondicherry University area.

VLC Media Player Crosses 1 Billion

VLC Media Player – A Free and Open Source Media player software has crossed 1 Billion downloads from their official server according to the statistics released by VideoLAN Organization. These statistics of number of downloads are based only on the downloads for Windows and Mac users and not including GNU/Linux download -> mentioned in their page.

Reason for Not including the count from GNU/Linux users:-

The reason for not including GNU/Linux download count is that every GNU/Linux Operating System uses the repository to distribute the Software for the users and due to which they are not able to keep track of the downloads made by GNU/Linux users. If included, it would have crossed more than that.

The Open Source software approach has proved the maturity once again. Go Open Source, Support Free Software, Eradicate Software Piracy, Don’t get Vendor Lock-in.